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  • Walk Good Chronicles


Join date: Oct 20, 2021


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Certified Firearm Instructor, Licensed Social Worker & Community Advocate.

Worked in the social service field for over 25 years. Graduate from Mercy College with a Bachelors is Psychology, Masters in Criminal Justice from John Jay and 2nd Masters in Social Work obtained from Fordham University.

I’ve served families, individuals & groups in various institutions. Provided psychotherapy to individuals & groups with Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder. Supported, encouraged and empowered individuals to focus on their strength while helping to develop their confidence in the hopes and possibilities that life has to offer.

Marrying Psychotherapy with “Ammotherapy.“ Proactiveness Vs Reactiveness. Preventing the trauma and decreasing the odds of it showing up later.

It’s more than just firearms, it’s about strategically navigating life, making sound decisions, being patience until it’s time to execute that calculated move. Learning to be more relaxed while maintaining focus. Listening & being aware are vital skills necessary to being successful in this ever changing environment we live, work, go to school and socialize in.

All of these skills we practice via learning about firearm safety through the Shooting Fundamentals and the Universal Firearm Safety Rules. At Stay Frosty Defensive Tactics, We educate, train and provide a safe therapeutic space for dialogues between individuals, but most importantly our youths, who are the future.

It’s more than just shooting, it’s about prevention and proactiveness. The major goal of Stay Frosty Defensive Tactics is to people how to “ Survive the Encounter”.

Encounter can be defined as anything that can adversely affect our lives, from toxic relationships, mental illness, substance use, injustices, bullying, unemployment, assault and anything and everything in between that infringes upon living a healthy lifestyle.

The fact is - we do live in a world where very bad things happen every day and the only way to be prepared is to be PREPARED; mentally, physically, emotionally & tactically.

Being situationally aware and employing conflict avoidance are great skills to develop and implement on a daily basis.

We CANNOT be a willing VICTIM. We are not advocating on taking lives, but we are promoting preserving life.

It’s more than just shooting. It’s about living a life FREE of unwarranted trauma. Most people have the “will” to live but we ensure that you have the “skills” to survive.

I am my own 1st Responder.

Stay Frosty & Walk Good!!!


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